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These Vertex AI Studio and Model Garden Demo Terms of Use govern your access to and use of this Vertex AI Studio and Model Garden Demo environments (the “Demo”). By clicking to accept these terms on behalf of your company or organization you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your company or organization to these terms. Use of the Demo is limited to individuals over the age of 18.
Use Restrictions. Your use of the Demo is limited to exploration and evaluation purposes only, and for no other purpose. You agree that the use of the Demo is for your trade, business, craft, or profession. You may not use the Demo for commercial or production purposes, as a substitute for professional advice, or in any manner that is overseen by or requires clearance or approval from any applicable regulatory authority. Your use of the Demo is subject to: (i) the Prohibited Use Policy located at
Disclaimer. The Demo utilizes emerging technology and may provide inaccurate or offensive generated output, and is not designed for or intended to meet your regulatory, legal, or other obligations. You acknowledge that the Demo may, in some scenarios, produce the same or similar generated output for multiple users. Google provides access to the Demo “as is” without representations, indemnities or warranties of any kind.
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