This public dataset was created by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and includes global data obtained from the USAF Climatology Center. This dataset covers GSOD data between 1929 and present (updated daily), collected from over 9000 stations.
Global summary of the day is comprised of a dozen daily averages computed from global hourly station data. Daily weather elements include mean values of: temperature, dew point temperature, sea level pressure, station pressure, visibility, and wind speed plus maximum and minimum temperature, maximum sustained wind speed and maximum gust, precipitation amount, snow depth, and weather indicators. With the exception of U.S. stations, 24-hour periods are based upon UTC times.
This public dataset is hosted in Google BigQuery and is included in BigQuery's 1TB/mo of free tier processing. This means that each user receives 1TB of free BigQuery processing every month, which can be used to run queries on this public dataset. Watch this short video to learn how to get started quickly using BigQuery to access public datasets. What is BigQuery
Try these sample queries in the BigQuery UI.
What was the warmest day in 2015 in the US by state?
This query joins the gsod table for 2015 with station data to provide a station name for each record. To get other years simply swap in the right gsod table (eg, gsod1980, gsod2000). Run this query.
Which stations received the most snow days in 2016?
This query returns the stations that record the most days of snow precipitation. Run this query.
This dataset is publicly available for anyone to use under the following terms provided by the Dataset Source —
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