The GenAI data factory for model builders and enterprise AI teams needing high-quality data.
Labelbox is the data factory for AI labs and AI-powered enterprises advancing generative AI. Labelbox accelerates the creation of high-quality, differentiated data by combining on-demand expert labeling services with the industry-leading data labeling platform. Accelerate your AI initiatives by integrating directly with Vertex AI to build the complete data factory for your AI teams.
Labelbox runs on Google Cloud, offering native integrations with many Google products.
Vertex AI Integrations
BigQuery and Cloud Storage Integrations
Usage costs
Access to the Labelbox platform is available with an annual usage commitment purchased via the Google Marketplace and can be applied towards any the following:
* Note: The Google Vertex AI human evaluation integration is billed monthly based on usage. Rates vary by project and task type. Learn more about the Labelbox and Google Vertex AI human evaluation integration
Die verwalteten Dienste werden von den Dienstanbietern vollständig gehostet, verwaltet und unterstützt. Sie registrieren sich beim Dienstanbieter für die Verwendung des Dienstes, Google übernimmt jedoch die gesamte Abrechnung.
Wenn Sie nicht in US-Dollar bezahlen, gelten die Preise, die unter Google Cloud SKUs
Wir verwenden derzeit USD zum Berechnen der Kosten. Die Währung kann in der Abrechnungseinrichtung geändert werden. Die Endpreise der Abrechnung werden in Übereinstimmung mit der Abrechnungseinrichtung festgelegt und können Wechselkursen unterliegen.
Labelbox’s Machine Learning Support Engineers (MLSEs) provide helpful resources and timely resolutions to your issues. Support is available via chat or email during our normal business hours: Monday-Friday from 9 am–5 pm Pacific Time, excluding major U.S. holidays.
To contact Support via Chat, log into your Labelbox account, click on the gray chat bubble in the bottom right corner of your screen, and select “Send us a message.”
To contact Support via Email, email
To expedite your resolution time, please include the following information in your message:
Subject : Company/Account name and brief issue description
To contact Support via Chat, log into your Labelbox account, click on the gray chat bubble in the bottom right corner of your screen, and select “Send us a message.”
To contact Support via Email, email
To expedite your resolution time, please include the following information in your message:
Subject : Company/Account name and brief issue description
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