dataset provides signals that both maintainers and consumers of open-source software (OSS) can use to improve the health of their software. This dataset exposes the data underlying
The dataset consists of weekly snapshots of OSS packages available from npm
The tables and views available in the dataset are:
This public dataset is hosted in Google BigQuery and is included in BigQuery's 1TB/month of free tier processing.
What are the most common licenses per system? Query
We can aggregate the license data across packages within each dependency management system to get a list of the top three licenses per system. To do so we first find the newest snapshot in the dataset. Then within that snapshot we count the number of unique packages with at least one version using each license (multiple versions of a package are not double counted).
What are the most depended upon packages in the Cargo ecosystem?
We can use the dependency graphs to identify the most depended upon package versions in the cargo ecosystem. To do so, we filter all packages and available versions for just the release with the highest semantic version per package. We then sum the number of these highest release versions that depend on each version.
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