1-click restore of your critical data and configurations, from GCE to CloudSQL to Cloud Run and more
HYCU R-Cloud™ delivers peace of mind with backup assurance and one-click restore. Secure, “set and forget” backups for all your core Google Cloud services, SaaS, and other data sources mean your data protection is on autopilot so you don’t have to worry about on-going backup management. Quickly restore the right data set or configuration in one click in case of human error, deletions, misconfigurations, cyber-attacks, or a bad actor. With HYCU, you can:
HYCU R-Cloud™ offers the broadest support of protected Google Cloud services by a partner with backup and recovery coverage for:
In addition to these, you can also protect popular SaaS applications like Jira, Confluence, GitHub, Okta, Google Workspace and more.
Avoid disruptions: Restore the exact data you need - files, configurations, or functions - when you need it, directly to production.
Stop worrying about backups: Automate backups for all Google Cloud services with built-in notifications, reporting, and testing.
Leave no data unprotected: Back up all your core Google Cloud services AND critical DevOps applications like Git repositories, CI/CD tools, and developer tools.
代管服務均由服務供應商完全託管與代管,並由服務供應商提供支援服務。雖然使用服務時,您是向服務供應商註冊,不過所有收費作業都是由 Google 處理。
本試用方案可讓您試用這項解決方案,且我們會提供您最多 USD 800.00的解決方案供應商費用抵免額。如果您用完該抵免額,或是試用滿 14 天 (以先發生者為準),試用期就算結束。在試用期間,我們會計算您的解決方案供應商費用,同時從您的抵免額扣除這些費用,直到 USD 800.00的抵免額用完為止。此外,系統也會依據所有適用的基礎架構費用,向您收取試用期間產生的使用費。
除非停止或終止訂閱,否則如果您在試用期間內的解決方案供應商費用超過 USD 800.00或試用滿 14 天 (以先發生者為準),就必須支付解決方案供應商費用。您隨時可以取消試用,只要在試用期結束前取消訂閱方案即可。
如果使用美元以外的貨幣付費,系統將按照 Google Cloud SKU
If you have questions, need support or have suggestions Visit HYCU support
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