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Currently active external asymmetric CryptoKeyVersions
Currently active external symmetric CryptoKeyVersions
Currently active HSM ECDSA P-256 CryptoKeyVersions
Currently active HSM ECDSA P-384 CryptoKeyVersions
Currently active HSM ECDSA SECP256K1 CryptoKeyVersions
Currently active HSM MAC CryptoKeyVersions
Currently active HSM PKCS1 v1.5 CryptoKeyVersions
Currently active HSM RSA 2048 bit CryptoKeyVersions
Currently active HSM RSA 3072 bit CryptoKeyVersions
Currently active HSM RSA 4096 bit CryptoKeyVersions
Currently active HSM symmetric CryptoKeyVersions
Currently active software asymmetric CryptoKeyVersions
Currently active software MAC CryptoKeyVersions
Currently active software symmetric CryptoKeyVersions
Performs the requested cryptographic operation with the given piece of data with an external asymmetric key
Performs the requested cryptographic operation with the given piece of data with an external symmetric key
Performs the specified cryptographic operation on a given piece of data within an HSM with an ECDSA P-256 key
Performs the specified cryptographic operation on a given piece of data within an HSM with an ECDSA P-384 key
Performs the specified cryptographic operation on a given piece of data within an HSM with an ECDSA SECP256K1 key
Performs the specified cryptographic operation on a given piece of data within an HSM with a MAC key
Performs the specified cryptographic operation on a given piece of data within an HSM with a PKCS1 v1.5 key
Performs the specified cryptographic operation on a given piece of data within an HSM with an RSA 2048 bit key
Performs the specified cryptographic operation on a given piece of data within an HSM with an RSA 3072 bit key
Performs the specified cryptographic operation on a given piece of data within an HSM with an RSA 4096 bit key
Performs the specified symmetric cryptographic operation on a given piece of data within an HSM
Performs the requested asymmetric cryptographic operation with the given piece of data with a software key
Performs the specified MAC cryptographic operation on the given piece of data with a software key
Performs the specified symmetric cryptographic operation on the given piece of data with a software key
Performs a call to GenerateRandomBytes