Google Cloud Backup and DR (GCBDR) is now avaialble. GCBDR is a managed backup and disaster recovey service for centralized, application consistent data protection.
Go to GCBDR page to learn more
With the launch of GCBDR, Actifio GO
Key Features & Benefits
Incremental-Forever Backup
Efficient incremental-forever backup leveraging changed-block tracking reduces the backup window and optimizes bandwidth and storage utilization for low RPO.
Instant Mount and Recovery
Instantly mount and recover VMs and databases from any point-in-time to primary or secondary cloud or hybrid regions for low RTO. No need to first move backup data to warm storage to make it available.
Application-Consistent & Aware Backups
Ensure databases are quiesced before data capture for application-consistent backups that can be recovered quickly. Transaction logs are backed up as well, as frequently as every 15 minutes, enabling recovery to any point in time.
Agentless VM Backup
Reduces storage requirements and eliminates operational burden for VMware and Compute Engine VMs.
Backup Directly to GCS
Incremental-forever backups for VMware VMs (in Google Cloud VMware Engine or on-premises) can go directly to Cloud Storage, thus eliminating any data center storage needs, reducing CAPEX and operational burden.
Consolidated, Consumption-Based Pricing
托管式服务完全由服务提供方托管、管理和提供支持。虽然您是向服务提供方注册使用该服务,但所有结算事宜都由 Google 处理。
通过此试用方案,您可以试用此解决方案而无需支付解决方案提供方费用(条件是费用金额不超过 USD 300.00,或者试用时间不超过 30 天,以这两项限制中较早达到者为准)。在试用期内,系统会计算解决方案提供方费用,同时使用赠金抵扣这些费用(不超过 USD 300.00)。另外,在试用期内,您仍需要支付任何适用的基础架构使用费。
如果您在试用期内使用的解决方案提供方费用超过 USD 300.00,或者您的试用时间超过 30 天(以较早达到者为准),您将需要支付解决方案提供方费用(除非您停止使用或终止订阅)。您可以随时取消试用,只需在试用期结束之前取消方案即可。
24x7x365 Support is available online, via phone or email.
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